Honor Code

We would like to ensure that all students reach their highest potential with integrity and honor. We hope to create a positive attitude towards knowledge and learning, to encourage learning for the sake of discovery and to instill the best education possible. An honor code has been established to create an understanding of these goals. This understanding is mutual between the staff, students and their families.


As of student at Middle School 54/Booker T. Washington:

  • I will be guided by my conscience, knowing right from wrong. I will live up to the expectations of myself, my family and my school.
  • I will not claim the work of others as my own, and I will not allow others to claim ownership of my work.
  • I will not steal or destroy the property of others, either personal or academic.
  • I will not harm or harass others verbally, physically or sexually. Nor will I harm the properties of the school.
  • I vow to be honest with and respectful of the school community, and I will expect the same from others.


Academic dishonesty includes representing others’ work as your own, giving or receiving help on tests, quizzes, reports and other assignments where it is not permissible, and to share work with others.

  • All students involved will receive a grade of zero for the work and will be referred to the administration.
  • Parents will be notified.
  • Other consequences may be given.